
Ramadan: OYHA 2023 Hopeful, Ismail Teslim Kunle Felicitates With Muslim Ummah, Organises Lecture, Launches Foundation on Sunday

Ramadan: OYHA 2023 Hopeful, Ismail Teslim Kunle Felicitates With Muslim Ummah, Organises Lecture, Launches Foundation on Sunday.

Hon. Ismail Teslim Kunle

As the Muslims all over the world commence Ramadan fasting, the All Progressives Congress(APC) 2023 Oyo State House of Assembly Hopeful from Iseyin/Itesiwaju State Constituency, Hon. Ismail Teslim Kunle has felicitated with Muslims in Oyo-State, Nigeria and world at large on the commencement of this year Ramadan holy month.

The University of Ibadan, UI, trained Political Scientist, Ismail encouraged the faithful to remain steadfast and charitable in this holy month of Ramadan and beyond the season.

The Astute Grassroot Mobilizer, Ismail urged the faithful to abide by the dictates of Allah, especially, the rules that govern Ramadan. He prayed of our country to survive these hard times.

“Let’s abide by the dictates of Allah in this holy month of Ramadan. Let’s unite and pray for the peace and progress of our nation”, the political aide during the regime of Governor Ajimobi, Ismail stated.

The influential Youth advocate, Ismail further encouraged that,” Muslims should also practice charity as one of the five pillars of Islam, be generous by giving foods to the hungry, raising money for the poor, donating clothes and sharing the Iftar dinners with the less privileged.

Also, all plans have been made to launch “Teslim Kunle Foundation” and organise “First Teslim Kunle Ramadan Lecture”. The event is to be held on Sunday, April 18, 2021 by 10am at Ojude Oba, Iseyin area of Oyo-State. The topic is “Politicking and Governance in Islam” to be delivered by Fodhilat Sheik Abdul-Rofih Muhammad Jamiu Oloko. The dignitaries expected at the event are Senator Fatai Buhari of Oyo North, Senator Teslim Folarin of Oyo Central, Oba Abdul-Ganiy Adekunle Ologunebi, Alhaji Wasiu Oladimeji Dauda Azuzu among others.

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