Random Acts of Goodness!! Thursday Gists With IyanulOluwa Ololade

Random Acts of Goodness!! Thursday Gists With IyanulOluwa Ololade.
Every human attribute is a choice that must be made willingly and with good intentions.
As a Vietnamese Proverb states, goodness is better than beauty. Beauty can fade but goodness is an investment with a life time returns.

Random acts of goodness is a prove that one still keeps in touch with humanity.

Acts of goodness may sometimes be reciprocated by unwelcome reactions capable of discouraging one’s heart and good intents, notwithstanding, giving in to such unwelcome reactions only multiplies the number of persons who do not see the good in goodness.
Random acts of goodness is our service to humanity. It can start at the seemingly least show of appreciation and respect; recommendations, nurture, support, gifting food items or clothing and other show of love. We all have the tendency to do good only if we do not allow the bad eggs to pollute us. It is high time we start fanning the dying flame of goodness in us to great fire.
Feigned goodness may feel good but they can never replace the genuine goodness. Feigned goodness comes with expectations of rewards in cash or kinds, immediately or on a later time. However, time will test its authenticity and durability. Spread goodness in the world and be an example to others of what a good human being is.