
Sango Fire Outbreak: Agbaje Sympathises Victims, Urges Govt to Support Traders

Sango Fire Outbreak: Agbaje Sympathises Victims, Urges Govt to Support Traders.

A chieftain of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Oyo State, Barr. Akeem Agbaje, has condoled with victims of the fire outbreak that happened today at Sango Market in Ibadan.

“It is yet another sad occurrence in Ibadan, this time at Sango Market. It is particularly painful that such a sad incident could happen while the state was still grappling with the effects of the explosion that rocked the city recently.
I totally sympathise with the victims of the fire and pray Almighty Allah will grant them succor.

While consoling victims, Barr. Agbaje charged the incumbent government in the state to help the affected traders by providing them with aid and support that would help them recover. 

“I urge the government of Engr. Seyi Makinde to come to the aid of the affected traders and provide them with subtle aid that would alleviate their painful loss. With the challenging state of the economy, they need the support of the government to be able to get back on their feet.

Sango Fire Outbreak.

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