Secession Is Not About Thuggery !! By Oladoyin Odebowale

Secession Is Not About Thuggery !! By Oladoyin Odebowale.
I am Remo, therefore, a bona-fide member of the ethnic-nationality known as Yoruba. I also claim my right as citizen of the “geographical expression” known as SW which include any space where those with whom I share ethnic affinity possess as inhabitants.

I accept, de facto, the Nigerian State, believing that critical issues which militate against the emergence of a true nation will be addressed. I also hold that all of these issues, including that of the continued existence of the country as a corporate entity, are not only negotiable but must be subjected to serious reviews.

It is not only arrogant but it is typical combative stupidity for anyone to proclaim that citizens cannot discuss any topic of national importance at any point. Nigerians are no longer under colonial rule, at least notionally.
In the same vein, I detest the rambunctious idiocy of the barely literate, erstwhile societal scum, catapulted beyond imagined possibilities in the years past when the embrace of some values held promises of redemption and advancement. It is ironic that these same characters complain against the very system which has given provenance to their forced presences into the consciousness of the people. When brigands agitate against brigandage, and both willing collaborators and passive on-lookers are corralled into specious activism as spontaneous reactions to perceived injustice, it is finished.
I am still a Nigerian. I have not given my consent to anyone or a group of deluded simpletons to take me out of my current space. I am Yoruba with a clear and traceable lineage. I also know that one’s immediate occupation of a geographical space does not explain origin in its totality. Education is the key. There are too many uneducated idiots grandstanding today.
They need not go back to school. It is a waste of time these days. Let them read books. They are available everywhere. Those who come to the public space must possess an appreciable understanding of socio-economic cum political topics, current subjects of national discourses. I feel insulted by the activities of these self-appointed liberators, however exigent.
Secession is not about thuggery, however elevated.