Special Congratulatory Message to A Committed Loyalist of BAF | By Idris Ismail

Special Congratulatory Message to A Committed Loyalist of BAF | By Idris Ismail
Congrats to BAF
Congrats to Team BAF
One person that also deserves my congratulations is Bar. Abdul Waheed Lawal.
This is a man, an adult in his near 60 and a full blooded Okeogun indigine. He made a right choice of pitching his tents with Sen AbdulFatai Buhari, an indigine of Ogbomoso.

For those who do not know Barr. Lawal. He was a trained activist and a radical student imam in his university days. Once he made up his mind and he is convinced about an agenda, he gives his all to achieve it without looking back.

For those who did not appreciate the man who combines Islamic dawah with political activism, what he hates most is to seek to impose your opinion on him or to seek to teleguide him on what political cause to follow.
I have engaged him several times and I found him to be a principled and positively stubborn man. Whenever he has agreed to pursue a cause of action, the fact that people do not believe in it is not enough to deter him.
When abused, criticised and called several unprintable names for following the Ogbomoso born Senator, he would not begrudge the fellow.
Unfortunately, he hardly takes it lightly and sees it as a transgression when people say what is not true of Sen Buhari.
I once asked Bar Lawal why he did not abandon BAF AGAIN for Okeogun lo kan inspite of all criticisms and insults heaped on him. He responded “why will I severe ties with a quintessential man of integrity and a man who treats me like his blood brother and friend ? Sen Buhari located me with 5 empowerments for my people in his first term even before knowing me physically.”
“What more, a Distinguished senator of the Federal Republic was the one who looked out for me and fished me out even when I was not a political leader. To me, that is a good leader.. Whose words or criticism would ever discourage from giving my allegiance and commitment to such a man called Sen Buhari?”
According to Bar Lawal, he often takes consolation in the fact that he was following a senator generally acknowledged as a performer, an Omoluabi and above all God-fearing.
Honestly, I want to agree with Bar. Lawal because even adversaries of Senator Abdulfatai Buhari would argue and admit that he has performed excellently.
I observed that just as it was easy to campaign for Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, so it was with Sen AbdulFatai Buhari in Oyo North.
When you are campaigning for a candidate whose track records of achievements, service to his people and amiable personality had already spoken eloquently about him, you don’t have stress in telling people to vote for him again.
When asked how he felt about the victory of his principal, Sen Buhari PhD, the Saki born but Ibadan based lawyer and political Activist says ” I’m highly elated and very grateful to Allah who did not allow enemies to mock me. I see the victory of BAF as fondly called as a vindication and a triumph of truth over falsehood. Sometimes, the younger ones would run their mouths against me as if I am jobless or I have no capacity to make a choice of my own, but I would just ignore them.”
Bar. Lawal stated that “some had even predicted that I would have to relocate from Okeogun if Sen Buhari did not win his reelection. To Allah be the glory in the beginning, at the middle and to Him belong all praises at the end”.
Bar Waheed LAWAL deserved indeed a special congratulations for this historic success and land mark victory
Idris Ismail.