Struggles: ACIS-M “Solidarises” With Cuba Against European Parliament’s Maneuvers

Struggles: ACIS-M “Solidarises” With Cuba Against European Parliament’s Maneuvers
Amilcar Cabral Ideological School Movement(ACIS-M) has supported the declaration of denunciation of the International Relations Commission of the National Assembly of People’s Power of the Republic of Cuba before a new maneuver by the European Parliament.
“ACIS-M SUPPORTS the: ‘Declaration of denunciation of the International Relations Commission of the National Assembly of People’s Power of the Republic of Cuba before a new maneuver by the European Parliament’.
We have learned to our disgust that a small group of MEP’s servile to Washington have placed an item on the agenda of the next plenary session of the European Parliament (8 June) regarding the “Political Situation and Human Rights in Cuba”.
They are seeking the adoption of a resolution against our country based on distortion of the reality we are living; they are determined to sever the bonds that unite us with the European Union and to block implementation of the Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement currently being negotiated on the basis of mutual respect and equality between our states.
Such actions come as no surprise to us; they reflect the double standards, the discriminatory approach that is their hallmark.
They feign concern for human rights in Cuba, a free, independent, sovereign, democratic nation that embraces social justice and human solidarity, whose people decide their destinies and where – based on an inviolable principle enunciated by José MartÍ and enshrined in our constitution – the first law of the Republic is the Cubans’ cult of the full dignity of Man.
It is strange that, being so exercised by the human rights situation in Cuba, they have not convened the European Parliament to consider the main violation of human rights suffered by our people, namely the genocidal blockade imposed on our country for the last 62 years and intensified to incredible levels in the midst of a pandemic and a global economic crisis; a blockade which also affects European citizens – notably their entrepreneurs.
They are also acting in total indifference to flagrant violations of such rights in America and other countries, some European, which during the last 12 months have seen a rising trend in police brutality, the application of policies that discriminate against migrants, speeches inciting hatred and promoting supremacist ideas, curtailment of freedom of the press and freedom of expression, accompanied by manifestations of racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance.
Be aware that those behind this maneuver do not represent the totality of the MEPs. These politicized exercises serve external interests seeking to compromise the EU’s autonomy in matters of foreign policy.
We respectfully call on the MEPs not to acquiesce in this duplicitous stratagem, to put a stop to the maneuver. Havana, June 4, 2021, 63rd year of the Revolution, International Relations Commission. National Assembly of the People’s Power.