TEGBE CARES: Agriculture • Education • Infrastructure !! By Akeem Adebiyi

TEGBE CARES: Agriculture • Education • Infrastructure !! By Akeem Adebiyi.
Mogaji Tegbe’s conviction on Agricultural growth and development centres on its value chain and application of technology.
Emphasis shall be placed on increased production of arable crops and processing of same for local consumption export.

Besides, cocoa production in large quantities shall be accorded favourable consideration. Cattle ranches shall be established at some designated zones of the state while poultry farming shall be extended to secondary and tertiary institutions aside from the provision of incentives to the existing practitioners on the field to boost their production capacity.

On the whole, all categories of farmers in Oyo State shall be empowered to boost food production. Farm settlement schemes, functional quarantine services and state of the art technology shall be introduced to encourage farming.
It is Mogaji Tegbe’s firm belief that no state can develop above the level of education of her citizens. In this connection, multi-pronged approach shall be introduced to develop education in our primary, secondary and tertiary axes in Oyo-State.
All the learning institutions shall be equipped with all the relevant instructional materials, qualified personnel and conducive environment to enhance functional education for all the learners.
Necessary attention shall be given to vocational education.
To accomplish the tasks, reasonable percentage of annual budgets shall always be allotted to education sector in the state.
Above all, no school shall be starved of necessary regular running grants to sustain the system of providing qualitative education. In addition, the teaching personnel shall be provided with comprehensive incentive packages- housing, car and sundry loans/allowances to improve their efficiency and increased commitment to the job.
It is crystal clear that Oyo-State is contending with the challenges of infrastructural deficit, Mogaji Tegbe observed. According to him, tarring of rural roads shall be prioritised. This is to ease the movement of farm products to the cities. Township roads shall be constructed and reasonably maintained while flyovers shall be provided at some designated areas in the towns to eradicate traffic gridlocks.
Mass housing schemes, provision of potable water and street lighting projects shall be executed for the benefits of the citizens. To accelerate the processes, private, public, partnership (PPP) option shall be adopted on some occasions, including the introduction of direct labour in some instances. (Concluded).