TEGBE CARES: Security • Transportation • Environment • Health !! By Akeem Adebiyi

The plethora of comments in respect of who controls the security in the state is quite misleading.
It is quite unfortunate that the commentators have failed to realise the fact that provision of adequate security for lives and properties of the citizens is the responsibility of all the stakeholders, most especially, the three tiers of government.

According to Mogaji Joseph Tegbe, all the three tiers of government are allocated reasonable sums of money as security votes on monthly basis. Hence, there must not be any excuse for security lapses.

In his view, security challenges in Oyo-State can be tackled in two ways, viz; preventive and curative. The former entails information sharing and intelligence gathering, including provision of jobs and food security. The curative approach involves quick dispensation of justice without fear or favour as against the present practice where the big time political brigands and hardened criminals are shielded by the state government. In all fronts, the law enforcement agents need to be motivated in a comprehensive reward system.
Tegbe’s position on transportation is that of ameliorating the pains of the citizens through subsidised costs. Hence, fleet of durable vehicles of high utility values shall be provided to accomplish this objective.
Sustainability of this scheme shall be ensured by entrusting its management in the hands of the trustworthy and honest handlers. In addition, the state government shall explore the possibility of extending rail transportation to Oke. Ogun zone to ease the movement of farm products.
Health and Environmental management are intertwined. A clean and healthy environment prevents outbreak of epidemics. To achieve this feat, it is his mission to ensure efficient disposal of refuse through the provision of sufficient number of receptacles at all the designated collection points, introduction of waste to wealth programme through conversion to fertiliser and recycling mechanisms. In addition, our water channels in the state shall be adequately maintained to prevent floods while drainage system shall be accorded appropriate attention. Our abattoirs and food supply markets shall be constantly monitored by appropriate agents to ensure that proper hygiene is maintained.
I have always been perturbed by the present poor status of our private and public health curative services in Oyo-State, Tegbe enthused. The available health centres and hospitals are grossly inadequate to take better care of the populace. Asides, the centres are ill equipped and sub-standard. The twin challenges of shortage of medical personnel and necessary drugs, including medical equipment are left unattended to. As a humanist and administrator, all the deficiencies under reference shall be rectified.
(To be continued).