The Formidable Force !! By IyanulOluwa Ololade

The Formidable Force
Written by Iyanuloluwa Ololade.
“Force is that thing that is capable of making substantial change in a person or thing. It is the ability to attack, control or constrain. To be formidable is to be dreaded and difficult to defeat.
Mankind was given a gift that can effect substantial changes in whatever unpleasant situation that emerges.

However, distractions have replaced mankind’s formidable force.

There is nothing like genuine or real love, if it isn’t love, then it can’t be like love. Love from a pure heart and workable conscience cannot be compared to the greatest available armoury.
The things that should fear our collective show of love regardless of age, class, gender, religion and race have now put us at war against one another. Alluding to a biblical fact, a house or kingdom divided against itself cannot stand. The exterior negative forces cannot succeed if the internal formidable force is alive and put to use.
Sadly, it is now very easy to suspect one another, kill a being like us and never feel any remorse, display injustice, plot one another’s downfall, be contended seeing another man suffer, mock one another and also celebrate one another’s failure.
Yet, in the midst of this we hope to fight and attack the external forces that want to displace our inheritance. This hope will remain futile till we desist from romancing the distractions and temporary gain that have taken the place of our love one for another.
Whatever you will not want anyone to do to you, never try it on others. The positive change we hope for begins with me and you too. Love and continue to love till evil is defeated.