The New Money !! Thursday Gists With IyanulOluwa Ololade

The New Money !! Thursday Gists With IyanulOluwa Ololade.
“It seems not to be new anymore that we are in the era of the new normal. This term was first used during the 2008 financial crisis to refer to the dramatic economic, cultural and social transformations that caused great unrest and change in human perceptions and lifestyles.
During the first phase of the COVID 19, the term re-appeared. Man, as we know, has as one of his characteristics, the ability to adapt. This adapt ability has positioned man to aspire, acquire and wire his energy to the necessary channels for greater productivity.

New money on the other hand can be defined as a recently acquired wealth that was typically earned and not inherited. What crossed your mind immediately you saw this topic? Get rich quick tip? Investment and acquisition? Others? Don’t bother to wonder long; I got struck by a caption, it was more like a quote and it stated, “knowledge is the new money”. I guess you will like to read that again.

Ruminating on that caption, I realized how important it is to be informed. Just like the definition of “new money”, it must be acquired or earned. It is a deliberate action coupled with enough effort.
Knowledge is relative to information or awareness. Knowledge is not just power like we used to know; the rich can command so much power and influence but one can be powerful and yet be poverty-stricken.
Everyone needs the right information to get positioned for opportunities and productivities.
Money as a generally accepted means of exchange and measured value is not only in form of currency note but also in the wealth of knowledge an individual possesses.
It is one thing to be intelligent or educated and another thing to be wise. As much as you don’t make money to store them up, knowledge must also be positively channeled and utilized for maximum productivity.
Just like how we can adapt to situations and lifestyles, we should also adopt the new money by positioning ourselves and grasping the needed knowledge we need for our liberation.