This Madness Must Stop! By Olujuwon Asubiojo Marshal

This Madness Must Stop! By Olujuwon Asubiojo Marshal.
” I was in transit with a friend when I noticed a mob around Coca-Cola, a short distance from the popular Mokola Roundabout. I first thought of it as an accident considering the recklessness of our commercial motorists and bike riders in Ibadan. I was soon proven wrong however, what I saw as I looked around scoping for details was the lifeless body of a middle-aged man, stripped naked in the middle of the road, beaten to death for allegedly stealing.

As I called my friend’s attention to it in disgust, I reminded him of our similar encounter less than a month ago. We saw a mob as we made our way back home from Oke-Ado, an alleged kidnapper had been killed, a tyre was placed beside his body to prevent vehicles from running over it. The only difference, in this case, is that the suspect was not beaten to death, as in Mokola, he was barbecued.

We discussed the gory scene as our cab drove past only to be told of yet another tragic death on the same route in the same city and the same day, as we arrived at our destination.
A 21-year old was shot to death by Amotekun operatives, adding to the growing numbers of innocent lives allegedly terminated by the outfit. It’s beyond a mere allegation this time though, it has been established by the police and confirmed by the accused.
All these and more are becoming the order of the day in Ibadan. In Ibarapa, the town of the Speaker of the House of Assembly, the youths are lamenting, they “are walking in the valley of the shadow of death” in their own words. I can only pray “they stumble not”.
This display of madness ranging from jungle justice, open cannibalism, thuggery, disorderliness, and general lawlessness needs to stop.
The government should recognize it as a challenge and face it head-on. There is nothing political about this, it’s squarely a failure of government. My friend that experienced the instances with me is a card-carrying member of the ruling party (People’s Democratic Party). Yet, he shares my anger because he understands the implication of the situation. I hope those who don’t do not get their skull blown open before reality sinks in.
This is a new year, the government must stop this madness.
Asubiojo Olujuwon, Marshal.