Too Much Ado About Nothing; Providing An Alibi For Tope Alabi !! By Charles Adeyemi

Too Much Ado About Nothing; Providing An Alibi For Tope Alabi !! By Charles Adeyemi.
“All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not” 1Cor 10:23.
Among many attributes of leadership, influence in my considered opinion stands at the Apex. Many influencers in different sectors of life don’t seem to know what God has done for them in being able to speak to millions of people without paying a dime. Over the years, TOPE Alabi has grown to become a major voice in the Christian music space, that if she sneezes, the sound of her sneeze will reach high heaven. Height such as this often attracts undue attention and anyone in that rung of their career must watch it.

Social media is currently on fire for the response of Singer Tope Alabi to a much younger beloved Christian minister and Musician. After seeing the video, I concluded that Tope Alabi should have just sung her own hymn and leave the stage. “Leave trash for Lawma” used to be a very popular slogan in Lagos, LAWMA is a dutiful agency that packed dirt and trash in Lagos. In this regards, Tope Alabi should have leave teaching of the word to called teachers and pastors and not try to delve into an arena she’s not versatile in. Correcting a fellow musician on their contents and revelation amount to nothing but arrogance.

People who have been major impact on a lot of people, either in politics, bussiness, music or ministry should take this as a lesson too. There is a height you will get to in life that you don’t try to “over sabi” every matter in your lane. Yes it’s your lane as a Christian but most times, decorum is highly important and that is if you are sure of what you are talking about. Even if you know more than all, don’t prove by trying to impress an unimpressed audience. That’s why Paul the Apostle said “Not all things are expedient”. There are times you don’t need to prove you know what somebody doesn’t know, stay on your lane. Live and let others live.
If Aunty Tope has tried to stay within her calling which is pure music (as it has manifest over the years), this massive invalidating wouldn’t have happened. There are Christian ministers too who want to be seen as anything trending…from Evangelist to bishop to apostle to pastor to teacher and all join. Some have the five folds ministry and there are those who are only chasing clouts. Some ministers are teachers but lack of patience in filling their worship centres drag them to all night crusades, yes I’ve seen a church that organizes 40 vigils of miracles and wonders, I wonder why? At the end, you will hear, “I’m also a teacher of the word, and a bishop, and an apostle, miracle worker and deliverer, few to mention.
The outburst of Tope Alabi over another musician’s Contents of music also signifies the magnitude of rifts that exist in Christiandom, most of us red with utter dismay the vituperation of Pastor Chris Okotie over late prophet T.B Joshua even in his death! I was privileged to give a key note address at fellowship of Gospel Muscian (FOGMON) inauguration in osogbo, and the things revealed was shocking to hear. One wonders if we are serving the same God via the same Jesus or we are just entertaining ourselves with rifts, envy, jealousy and strife.
Of a true, Tope Alabi couldn’t have been correct, the bible explicitly calls Jesus not just our guarantor but ADVOCATE! In the book of 1 John 2:1, the Bible admonished that if anyone sins, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ, the righteous. Same Jesus ‘the word’ whom the word refer to as ‘God’ in John chapter one verse one. To this extent, Hebrew chapter seven verse twenty-two (heb 7:22) has suddenly become popular in Nigeria social media space, where it was written boldly that JESUS IS OUR GUARANTOR. From the original intent of the music, Alaseyori doesn’t pronounce it the way Tope Alabi “over do” it to make a point. But like the tale of the old and the young prophets in the Bible, the old would not like the young, and the young, thriving must not only respect but be careful of the old.
People who are established are always uncomfortable when they see upcoming ones, it’s like that in every profession. For this reason, many have veered off their lane to lord themselves over another person whom they see as a competitor and threat. We shall understand as time goes….
Charles Adeyemi writes from osogbo.