
Tribute : Ajimobi Was God’s Gift to Humanity – Oyo Muslim Community

Tribute : Ajimobi Was God’s Gift to Humanity – Oyo Muslim Community .

” Muslim Community of Oyo State, Nigeria.

Bismillai Rahman Raheem .

To: The Family of His Excellency ,
Sen. Ishaq Abiola Adeyemi Ajimobi .

“Ajimobi Was The Best That Ever Happened to Islam in Oyo State “.

Inna Lilahi Wa Innan Ilayhi Ra’jiun (We came from Allah and unto Him is our return) .

We commiserate with Ajimobi family on the transition of H.E , Sen. Ishaq Abiola Ajimobi . May Allah(s.w.t) console you.

Ajimobi was the best Governor Oyo state ever had . He was God’s gift to humanity .

We are eternally grateful to Ajimobi for, among other great accomplishments :

(1) Approving use of Hijab for Female Muslim Students
(2) Celebration of Mawld-un Nabbiy and Daily Breaking of Fasting During Ramadan
(3) Granting of a Work- Free Day to mark the Islamic New Year(Hijrah), which Muslims had for 27 years clamoured
(4) Allocating Land for our Islamic Centre at a huge discount
(5) Building of A World -Class at Oke Ado , Ibadan (With this, as Allah has promised, Ajimobi has built a palace for himself in Heaven).

Ajimobi came, he saw and he conquered . He has etched his name in gold .

Adieu, Ishaq Abiola Adeyemi Ajimobi .

The Muslim Community will never forget you , our liberator .

May Allah grant Him Jannatul Firdaws , Amin.

Signed :

Alhaji Murisiku Abidemi Siyanbade ,
Secretary General.

Alhaji Ishaq Kunle Sanni,

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