Tribute: My Friend, Prophet TB Joshua Is Dead !! By Bolaji Tunji

Tribute: My Friend, Prophet TB Joshua Is Dead !! By Bolaji Tunji.

My friend, Prophet T. B Joshua is dead. I am sad. Sad that he died just a few days to his 58th birthday.
On April 23, he tried several times to speak with me, unfortunately the network was bad. The last time we saw was in December at his Egbe-Ikotun spiritual retreat site. He was in the bathrobe as our relationship was such that he was quite free with me and I could see him beyond his public image, in knickers, T-Shirt.

On few occasions, I have had to meet him in his bedroom. He could discuss anything with me. After our discussion, he saw me off in his usual manner, showing me new stuff in the retreat. I jokingly told him something was always being added to the spiritual ground. Workmen were always working on the site, new construction being done every time . I never knew that visit was going to be our last meeting .

I knew him as far back as 1995 and he had always respected my religious inclination. He never tried to convince me to be a member of his congregation. He was a man I greatly respect because he was humble to a fault. During my infrequent visits to him, our discussions have always been on national issues. The State of the nation.
Through him and still accepting my personal spiritual conviction, he still invited me to accompany him on his spiritual/revival journeys. I visited Brazil, Columbia and the Dominican Republic with him. He was generous, he was all-giving.
The early days and through our discussions, I had insights into his various concerns concerning the Pentecostal churches, his acceptability or other wise into the fold. If there are issues of concern to him, he could call several times within the hour or invite me over. Whenever he was travelling to Arigidi Akoko, his hometown in Ondo State. He would call me on getting to Ibadan. ‘My friend, I am in your city o’. And on going back to Lagos, the same thing.
May his soul rest in peace and may he finds peace with his maker.