
Tribute: Oba Adetunji Demonstrated Immeasurable Love for His Subjects, Residents – Ex Oyo ALGON Chair, Aleshinloye Mourns Late Olubadan

Prince Ayodeji Abass-Aleshinloye flanked with late Olubadan, Oba Saliu Akanmu Adetunji, Aje Ogungunniso-I while receiving Most Distinguished Ibadan Indigene(MDII) Award.

Tribute: Oba Adetunji Demonstrated Immeasurable Love for His Subjects, Residents – Ex Oyo ALGON Chair, Aleshinloye Mourns Late Olubadan.

The Immediate past ALGON Chairman, in Oyo State, Prince Ayodeji Abass-Aleshinloye MDII has commiserated with family, indigenes of Ibadan, Oyo State Council of Obas and Oyo State government over the passage of the Olubadan of Ibadanland, Oba Saliu Akanmu Adetunji, Aje Ogungunniso-I.

In a statement personally signed by the former Oluyole Local Government Gaffer, Prince Aleshinloye said the death of the first class traditional ruler was painful and devastating.

The ex- ALGON Leader, Aleshinloye described the late Olubadan of Ibadanland as a highly respected traditional ruler who demonstrated immeasurable love for his subjects as well as citizens within and outside his domain.

“He was a courageous man who protected the dignity of the Olubadan stool and ensured that the traditional institution of the country was well respected and honored”, he extolled.

Aleshinloye further stated that the town would sorely miss Oba Saliu Adetunji who led a fulfilled life and will be remembered as a peace loving monarch who served his people selflessly until his glorious exit. “He will be sorely missed for his wise counsel and his passion for unity”.

“As mortals we never want our elderly ones to die, but the Holy Books say that all souls must taste death. So, we have to submit to the supreme will of the Almighty from whom we came and unto whom we shall all return,”he stated.

Aleshinloye urged the children and the entire family of the late Olubadan of Ibadan to be consoled by the fact that the late first class monarch led a good life, imparted lives and left legacies of a good name and honour, behind.

“I pray that God would repose the soul of the departed monarch, and comfort the family and the people of Ibadan land ,”he added.

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