
Tribute: Oba Adeyemi Was A Blessing to Humanity – Oyo Guber Hopeful, Barr Akeem Agbaje Hails, Mourns Late Alaafin

Tribute: Oba Adeyemi Was A Blessing to Humanity – Oyo Guber Hopeful, Barr Akeem Agbaje Hails, Mourns Late Alaafin.

A leading Gubernatorial Hopeful on the platform of the All Progressives Congress(APC), in Oyo-State, come 2023, Barrister Akeem Agbaje has commiserated with the Chief Mourner, Governor Seyi Makinde of Oyo-State, the state Traditional Council Obas and Chiefs, Oyo Mesi, the immediate family of Oba Lamidi Olayiwola Adeyemi-III, the Alaafin of Oyo, and all the indigenes and residents of the ancient city of Oyo over the demise of His Imperial Majesty.

In his condolence message, the legal luminary, Barr Agbaje described the death of Oba Adeyemi as a shock to him and a great loss to Oyo kingdom, Oyo State and Nigeria as a whole stating that the Alaafin had been a priceless asset to Yoruba land and blessing to humanity.

Akeem Agbaje said he has fond recollections of the late Alaafin as a very warm, affable, peaceful and progress-loving father who was always interested in the growth and progress of people without minding where they come from.

“Record has it that Oba Adeyemi with his antecedents before he even became the Alaafin depicted him not just as a good father but a profound leader with an uncommon capacity to identify talents and lift them to greatness. The feat that Kabiesi sustained throughout his 52 peaceful and successful reign on the throne of his forebears.

“I will miss Kabiesi sorely, but I take solace in the fact that Baba was a great success as Alaafin of Oyo Empire. May Allah repose his soul.” Agbaje prayed.

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