What’s Happy about Fatherhood? | Morufu Smith

What’s Happy about Fatherhood? | Morufu Smith.
Fatherhood is a test of faith, a trial from God to men. When a man is blessed with a child or children, he has received what will lead to his blessing or curse before his Creator. A child has a divine right to be clothed, sheltered, fed and educated. A father MUST provide these and more to his child. It’s a debt of divine responsibility he owes his child. It’s a SIN if he fails in his responsibility to his child, and no matter the extent of his religious devotion, his irresponsibility to his child will rob him of paradise and earn him a place in hellfire.
Some fathers are a epitome of responsibility over their children. Such fathers see no reason to be alive if they cannot provide necessities for their children. Some other fathers don’t know what their children eat let alone how they get clothes to wear. And, the latter are the ones who show sense of entitlement most when the children they failed to be responsible to become successful in life.

As I always say whenever I am in the midst of friends and associates discussing parental responsibilities, I won’t plead with any father who sees no reason to be responsible to his children. I only owe him one prayer; to live long so that when he becomes old and frail, he will beg for alms in markets and motor parks to eat.

Therefore, I have two prayers to offer. To the fathers passionate about being responsible to their children and are having the means to do so, may God continue to bless them in bountiful ways. To the fathers passionate about being responsible to their children but do not have the means, may God begin to bless them in ways beyond their expectations.
MEANWHILE, irresponsibility isn’t exclusive to some fathers, some mothers are also irresponsible.
Or what do we call mothers who sell wares by the roadside but who can pay but refuse to pay 3k tuition fee per year on their children? But in order to eat semo at parties, they buy five yards of Ankara every week.
They leave their babies to crawl under static or moving vehicles while they fix their attention on gossiping and abusing customers who haggle over their wares to their dissatisfaction.
They bring their underage girl-children to join them at their roadside sheds to either hawk their wares or to sit by their wares to sell to customers. Many of the underage girl-children have become mothers they didn’t prepare for. They have caught pregnancies to celebrate the end of their junior secondary school. 30- year old women are becoming grandmothers when their 15-year old girl-children become mothers.
Come to Molete Under the Bridge to observe!