WHY THE RUSH? !! Thursday Gists With IyanulOluwa Ololade

Thursday Gists with Iyanuloluwa Ololade
It’s a beautiful day! How do you do dear reader? Don’t you think that you are moving at a very fast pace already? The durability of success is not by how quick it was attained. Everyone seems to be in a rush these days; from the drivers on the high way, to the worker by the road side heading to work even to you skip reading this gist article right now. Why the rush?
Time is money. That is so true, I agree with you. However, I will like for you to remember that only the living can check his watch. Your goals are enormous, demands are high and your expectations are so great. That is impressive and understandable too. Notwithstanding, take a break. Learn to take things a step at a time.
Ask yourself. Are you not making too many unnecessary compromises already? How about the toes you are stepping on just to earn yourself some recognition? Do you still feel peace, is your integrity not at stake and how easy has it been for you to get some soothing sleep since you started this rush? Those proverbs you keep twisting and using as your timer will only hurt you, hurt your health and the people around you.
I do not tell you to be a mediocre, no, not at all. I am well concerned about your relevance, growth, development, improvement and fulfilment but these should not be to the detriment of your sanity and life. I have once encouraged you to have flexible goals, never compare yourself to others and trust your growth process. As long as you are not idle and you are not lazy, complacent and shady, you will definitely attain greatness with your chin up and shoulders broad.
He who rushes will never go past his house and he who threads gently will not pass the night on the road; everyone will surely get home at his time. As you climb up the rungs of the ladder of success, ṣe jẹjẹ. Be calm and watch before you leap. Stay well o.