
Your Ingenuity Is Extraordinary, Thanks for Your Selfless Service – Ex-LG Vice Chairmen Visit Barr Akintola, Laud Legal Luminary

Your Ingenuity Is Extraordinary, Thanks for Your Selfless Service – Ex-LG Vice Chairmen Visit Barr Akintola, Laud Legal Luminary.

Representatives of former Vice Chairmen of Local Government Areas(LGA’s) and Local Council Development Areas(LCDA’s), in Oyo-State, have, on Thursday, paid ‘thank you visit’ to the Legal Luminary and Baamofin of Ibadan Land, Barrister Adeniyi Akintola at his Agodi GRA residence, in Ibadan, Capital of Oyo-State.

This Newspaper, Africano Trumpeters recalled that Barr. Akintola played a key and front line roles on recording historical victory over the illegal dissolution of the elected local council officials’ administration by Governor Seyi Makinde, on May 29, 2019.

While appreciating Barr. Akintola, leader of the delegates, Chief Ademola Olawale(AGBA-DEMO) said that, “We are here, on behalf of our entire colleagues, to appreciate your selfless and free legal services rendered to us, to have landslide victory at Supreme Court of Nigeria over Engr Makinde’s executive tyranny and illegal dissolution of our local council administration, the sacred mandate freely given to us by the good people of Oyo-State. Thank you, sir, for all you did for us, thank you, sir, for all you have been doing for the party and thank you, sir, for all you are still doing for our great party, APC, at all strata and more power to your elbow, sir.

In her own remarks, former Vice Chairperson of Kajola Local Government, Hon. (Mrs) Salamot Nihinlola Olayanju said that, “Yoruba adage says,‘Eniti Ase Loore Ti Ko Dupe, Bi Olosa Konin Leru Lonin’. Sir, thank you a lot for your frantic efforts and immense contributions on our victory at supreme court. May God reward you abundantly and grant you your heart desires.

While speaking, former Vice Chairman of Aare Latosa LCDA and a frontline Aspirant for the position of National Secretary, in the All Progressives Congress, APC’s forthcoming National Convention, Comrade Monsuru ‘Tunde Adeyemo(Socrates) lauded Barr. Akintola’s professional prowess and stated that, “Anybody can say he is anything but action is the real indicator of character. Sir, on our court case against Engr Makinde’s executive recklessness, indeed, you’ve reproved your exceptional ingenuity and charismatic mode of leadership. Sir, thank you, for your inputs in all ramifications and more power to your elbow.

In his own remarks, Hon. Jacob Akintola saluted Barr. Akintola’s courage and said that, “Unequivocally, we hail your rare supports and selfless service on our victory. I, fervently, pray that may God Almighty always protect you and your household. Sir, just be doing your own and God will reward you, greatly. Thank, sir.

While responding, the influential Chieftain of APC and Gubernatorial Hopeful, in Oyo-State, Barr. Akintola appreciated ex-vice chairmen’s representatives for coming and stated that, “Though, I didn’t want to get involved in your legal struggles but I had to do it in honour of you all and for the sake of my unalloyed love for our great Party, APC. There’s no power except that of God. Basically, to me, I did nothing special because it’s God’s doing and grace.

While reflecting over Abrahamic views on hypocrisy, the ultra-talented Scholar, Akintola quoted Book of Amos in Bible and Suratul Munafikuun in Quran. He likened ingrates to hypocrites and warned against ingratitude.
“I also thank you all for your dedication, sacrifice and tenacity…The bottomline is that let’s always be good and remain good, because we shall all give accounts of our God’s gifts and doings, on the day of judgement ….Once again, thank you all, for coming”, Akintola emphasized.

Among other Vice Chairmen’s representatives in attendance were Hon. Samuel Esuola, Hon. David Ogunwale, Hon. Abdul-Lateef Ojegoke, Hon. Kayode Adeniji, Chief(Mrs) Olubunmi Bankole, and Hon. Olubodun Ganiyu.

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