
You’re A Desperate Politician of Century – Group Slams Atiku • Asiwaju Tinubu Will Reposition Nigeria – TLF BoT Chair, Alh Akeem Assures

You’re A Desperate Politician of Century – Group Slams Atiku • Asiwaju Tinubu Will Reposition Nigeria – TLF BoT Chair, Alh Akeem Assures.

Chairman, Board of Trustees(BoT) of the Tinubu Legacy Forum(TLF), Alhaji Ganiyu Akeem has described former Vice President of Nigeria, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar as desperate politician, who has nothing to offer except the desperation to just govern.

Akeem’s reaction came on the heel of Alh. Atiku’s presidential consultation which he described as desperate move and shameful act.

In his reaction, Akeem further maintained that the National Leader of the All Progressives Congress(APC), Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu is the best man for the presidential job and he assured that the former Governor of Lagos state, Tinubu will definitely reposition Nigeria, following his laudable track records in human capital development, capacity building, talent hunting, pro-people leadership and good governance.

Alh Akeem reiterated that,”Regardless of the ongoing, unpopular, desperate and shameful consultation of former Vice President, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, which is targeted at crashing the ship of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) in no distant time. Though, that’s not our business.

“The purpose of the action and reaction is to curtail his centenary desperation and contrary to his lie that he has always been getting the Party’s ticket, Atiku got the PDP Presidential ticket only once, 2019, because of the generally agreed arrangement to allow all the Northern aspirants slug it out among themselves, including Governor Aminu Tambuwwal of Sokoto State and Senator Bukola Saraki, which latter made it easier for him to emerge victorious and the party was able to balance the equation with the APC, Muhammadu Buhari, Northerner and PDP, Atiku Abubakar, Northerner. Earlier in 2007, he left for the impending sledged hammer of the PDP Primary election to clinch the awaiting Presidential ticket of the Action Congress (AC) for the Presidential election and then, we had the AC, Atiku Abubakar, Northerner, and PDP, Umaru Musa Yar’dua, Northerner.

“Atiku got the ticket twice, under 2 different political parties due to zoning and lost out but he is now boasting as if he has special skill which he had been using to outsmart others in the race.

“He attempted it for the first time in 1993, under the Social Democratic Party (SDP) and stepped down for the former President, Bashorun Moshood Kashimawo Olawale Abiola, before Alhaji Babagana Kingibe was later defeated at the Party’s Primary in Jos, Plateau State, to become the Basorun MKO Abiola running mate in the 1993 Presidential election.

“He has been making attempts to get the Presidential ticket since 1993 at the age of 47 and by next year, 2023, he would be 77 years of age after he had enjoyed 2 terms in Office, between 1999 to 2007, as the Vice President, Federal Republic of Nigeria.

“It would have been better, if the Obasanjo/Atiku led Federal Government had performed spectacularly, upon which the Nigerian masses will now be seriously looking for him to contest but the ‘REVERSE IS THE CASE’.

“Atiku’s Offences against Nigeria: (1) Instead of being humble and listening to the Public opinion, ‘2023 Presidency is the turn of the Southern Nigeria: Non – Negotiable’, he came out to start his selfish Nationwide consultation, because Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, the most serious, committed and charismatic presidential aspirant in the All Progressives’ Congress (APC) and indeed, in the entire Nation for this moment, is also consulting nationwide. This means, he is going to be ‘a copy cat’, if by mistake, he gets elected, God forbids, in the interest of peace.

“2) He lied with his statement that it has always been easy for him to get the ticket. Nigeria has grown beyond having ‘a congenital liar’ as President.

“3) You are pursuing the presidency since 29 years ago and Almighty God in His infinite mercy and the electorates jointly rewarded you with 8 year Vice Presidency out of about 250 million living Nigerians and you said, it’s not enough for you.

“4) He has audacity to attempt to run over the South East and South South Regions that gave him the bloc votes in 2019, and snatch the PDP Presidential ticket from them with confidence, according to him, instead of reciprocating their good gesture towards him and supporting any popular candidate from any of the three southern regions. ‘what an ingrate’?

“Atiku’s sin against his Party, PDP: (1) Immediately he lost at the Supreme Court, he left the teeming members of his group across Nigeria to their fate, he went to relax in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE), until now that election is a year away. His major assignment on arrival is consultation in Benue State, where he donated N50 million to the Victims of herdsmen crisis, because Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu has earlier donated N50 million each in Zamfara and Niger States to the Victims of banditry and another N50 million to the Victims of Katsina market fire. We are very sure, he will be asking for the formula to govern Nigeria from Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, if elected as President by mistake, God forbids again! ‘Nigeria Needs Only An Independent Thinker, Like Tinubu’.

Thank God that Governor Samuel Orthom of Benue State also asked him the same question of ‘why did he abandon them in Benue State in time of need, not even sending a soothing word from Dubai?”, United Arab Emirates (UAE). He had no answer in return. ‘Mr. Used And Dumped’.

While extolling Tinubu’s virtues and values, Akeem stated that,“Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu is a born and great leader who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way. He is tested and trusted. He has efficiently managed the affairs of Lagos state and effectively led progressive party to victories at all levels. BAT is a detribalized Nigerian who treats men equally irrespective of their creed or colour. BAT is the best man for the presidential job comes 2023.

“What is needed in a leader is not necessarily his age, but his knowledge, exposure, experience, technical know how and his structure. The current American President, Joe Biden is old but his age is not the barrier. Americans massively voted for him and he is efficiently moving USA forwards, and such as his Predecessor, Donald Trump, he is old but effectively tried his best as POTUS, then.

“Let’s shun needless enmity and campaigns of calumny. Let’s join hands together to fix Nigeria. Let’s support the best man for the job. ASIWAJU BOLA AHMED TINUBU is the answer comes 2023 and he will definitely reposition Nigeria. Let’s go there”, Akeem canvassed.

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